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Aging & Disability Resource Center

How can our ADRC (Aging & Disability Resource Center) help you?

Make an appointment for free, unbiased, expert information and assistance with your Medicare decisions during Medicare Fall Open Enrollment.

Use service FOE 24 (45-min appointment)

Medicare plan comparisons

Medicare part D consults

Click Here to Make an Appointment

The ADRC is here to assist elders, persons with disabilities and caregivers to find services and resources to help them live well and independently.

Download the Turquoise Care Managed Care Organizations Brochure


Our ADRC handles registration for the State Medicaid Home and Community-Based Waiver


Prescription Drug Assistance (PDA)

Do you need help paying for medications? The PDA New Mexico MEDBANK Program assists uninsured and underinsured individuals obtain the medications they need at costs they can afford.

Healthcare Options

The Affordable Care Act is expanding options nationwide. As part of this expansion, the New Mexico Health Exchange (NMHIX) was created to assist New Mexicans statewide in acquiring affordable health care coverage that meets their needs and budget. Click here for more information.

Benefits Counseling

Do you have questions or concerns about private and government benefit programs?  The ADRC’s State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) helps with all health insurance questions, including Medicare and Medicaid. Our staff does not sell, endorse or recommend any insurance plans. We can provide you with accurate, unbiased and current information. Click here to read our Benefits Counseling Desk Reference.

Long-Term Options Counseling

Our Resource Options Coordinators can help you weigh your choices and help connect you to programs and services. Click here to download New Mexico Aging & Long Term Service Department Person-Centered Planning Tool.

New Mexico Social Services Resource Directory

Your online gateway to social service providers. The Resource Directory provides an easy way for you, your family or caregivers to find up-to-date comprehensive information about national, state and local social services and providers. Are you a caregiver or business owner that offers products or services to the eldercare or long-term care industries? Consumers will be able to easily find and learn about your business, products, and/or services. Register your business here for free!

Community Information & Educational Presentation

We serve to provide community partners with up-to-date information. ADRC staff can present on any of the topics below. Please call us to schedule a presentation.

Information & Assistance (I&A)

Our trained I&A Coordinators are knowledgeable about programs and services that may help meet your needs.

I need help. Where do I start? Call us. 1-800-432-2080

Need help? Click here to call us. 1-800-432-2080

Try Searching Click here to search.